Reliable Clean Energy Solutions for you.

We drive growth through affordable solar power solutions for everyone

Our Solar Plans

We have a solar plan for your home/office/business

Solar Shop

Buy best quality solar accessories and products

Why Solar

Why you should #Gosolar for cost savings and our planet

Case Study

See some of the great stories from our work and impact

Energy efficient solar modules

We have maintained mutually beneficial partnership with manufacturers of high quality solar PV modules and accessories. Our solar panels have 10 – 15 years manufacturer warranty and over 30 years lifespan.

Quality finishing

A major concern in the industry today for roof-mounted installations is the safety of the roof and it’s long term durability. This is why we pay special attention to our roof racks and adherence to standard procedure for our installation technicians.

Let’s bring clean, reliable and affordable solar solutions to power everything that matters to you.